FUN PODCAST: ‘Vacation Horror Stories + TN Senate Candidate Bill Hagerty’

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This show is ‘classic’ Savage, grousing in the funniest way about terrible vacation accommodations, bad service, and loud people in the restaurant. ‘Why VACATE your home anyway?’ Home is where you get the best sleep. The horrors at 7000 feet were numerous and ended in one fateful moment when a biker approached Savage and his wife a little too aggressively in a lonely gas station far from civilization. From this some very important SAFETY ADVICE emerged. He invited listeners to call with their travel horror stories. In other topics … Savage reminds us that the vaccine will not be ‘safe and effective’, that progressives are actually regressives, and that Trump should be prosecuting Antifa under the RICO statutes. In the second hour, Savage interviews Bill Hagerty, Ambassador to Japan and close associate of Trump’s who helped with the original 2017 transition. His views align very well with Trump’s and Savage’s, especially regarding the threat posed by China. Don’t miss this ‘ONE FOR THE AGES’ podcast!

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